You’re Worth It Wellness

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Discover the “Five Minute Fortifier” System for Strengthening the Five Wellness Pillars

We all realize workplace wellness is critical to personal and professional success. When pathways to wellness promotion are in place, job performance, employee retention, thriving teamwork, increased productivity/revenues, and overall job satisfaction rates skyrocket! But let’s be real. Though deeply rewarding, our jobs can also be draining. High levels of stress, anxiety, and burnout are often experienced even when we love our work. Workplace demands require us to focus on meeting the needs of others, and often, the wellness needs of ourself and our teams can become difficult to address and support. But help is here! In this session, you’ll learn a 5 MINUTE FORTIFIER system for strengthening the 5 PILLARS OF WELLNESS. Discover how you can become the spark that spreads the flames of wellness throughout your department. Imagine more energetic employees, fewer sick days, less injuries, better moods, higher productivity, etc! This highly informative, dynamic, and entertaining session can be a keynote, breakout, or workshop per your customized needs!